Morning Drop off:
Student drop off time is at 7:10AM when the teachers are on duty to supervise them. Students will report directly to their first period class and be supervised by that teacher. Busses will continue to drop off on the bus loop.
Afternoon Pick up: Student should be picked up no later than 2:45. Staff is not available to supervise students after this time. Students will exit the main door or door by the large gym and staff will be available to assist them to cross Lincoln where their parents are waiting or in the parking lot. If your child is not staying for a Plaza activity, they cannot stay at school beyond 2:45.
About ½ our families opted to provide transportation for their students.This will obviously increase traffic for morning/afternoon drop off/pick up. Families do not need to enter our parking lot to drop off students. Students can be dropped off on any adjacent street and use the crossing guard to cross Lincoln and enter the building. The same is true for pick up. If you choose to enter the parking lot and drop at the door, please be patient with other drivers and expect longer wait times as each car safely drops students. We will have extra adults on morning and afternoon duty to help assist students.