Athletic Policy

Parents and Student-Athletes:

Following are the guidelines that will be used to determine eligibility for participation in Plaza Park athletics including cub sports at Harrison, cheerleading, and Pacerettes.

In order to participate on a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th term sports team the student must:

  • Maintain his/her citizenship rating.
  • Not have earned two in-school suspensions or one out-of-school suspension during the term of participation in the sport.
  • Maintain passing grades during the term of the season in which the sport or activity is taking place. (No F’s) If a student receives an F on his/her report card, than he or she is ineligible to participate for the next 9 weeks.

In addition, for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th term sports or activities…

  • No non-passing grade (F) in the grading period immediately proceeding the term of participation. Fall sports rely on the previous spring quarter grades. This includes Cross Country, Volleyball, and Cub Football.

Thank you for your support of our student athletes and their academic and athletic success.

By signing this acknowledgement, the undersigned hereby acknowledges and agrees to comply with the Plaza Park Eligibility Policy for Participation in Athletics.

Parent:_______________________                  Student:______________________



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